Our Story
ABCS has a rich history in the boiler controls industry. Our pattern of steady growth and success gives us confidence and determination to sustain our position as an expert in the industry.

In 1987, ABCS began servicing small companies in the Chicagoland area and has expanded its services to facilities across the United States.

ABCS entered the boiler industry when Johannes (Hans) Burrink recognized a business opportunity when his current employer chose to stop providing service at non-utility steam generating facilities. Throughout the early 1990s ABCS added more employees to accommodate its growing customer network. The business continued to provide a higher level of expertise with every growing year.

In 1996, Robert Burrink joined forces with his father at ABCS. Eventually, Robert became the President of Advanced Boiler Control Services. He implemented an innovative corporate strategy for continued growth and success for the next 23 years.

These areas of growth have allowed ABCS to contribute its engineering and services on a greater scale throughout the United States. This growth attracted exclusive manufacturering representation contracts, which are still maintained relationships today. ABCS is intentional about using the most innovative technology with its offering of expert field service, instrument calibration, efficiency improvement, plant commissioning, and site-specific training.